A big "Thank you" to
Sabrina for passing the
Sunshine "What is Your Fantasy Bag?" Award to me!
If I had to pick just one style of bag to use for the rest of my life, it would be the classic Hermes Birkin. Great simple classic style, perfectly sized - not too big, not too small. Gorgeous colors! Check out a few:
Besides, if I do get tired of the bag, I can just sell it to finance a trip around the world. :-)
Thanks to
Susan for passing the
Sugar Doll Award along to me. For the Sugar Doll Award, I am supposed to tell 10 things about myself, then pass the award on to 10 other bloggers who in turn will tell 10 things about themselves!

Now, 10 things about me:
1. My favorite book is Gone with the Wind. I became interested in the Civil War and took several American History electives in college as a result of my fascination with the novel.
2. My favorite wine is Reisling. I love the sweet taste!
3. I have 2 cats, and I'm able to care for them just fine, even though they can be extra finnicky, what with throwing up all over the apartment and peeing on my bed. Somehow though, I just can't manage to keep plants alive.
4. I've lived in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Indiana and Illinois, with a brief study-abroad in London. London was probably my favorite place of any I've lived. I love Chicago though, and here is where I've made a home for myself.
5. My thumb looks exactly like my grandmother's thumb. Exactly.
6. I didn't really start using make-up regularly until my later 20's, but I fell madly in love with nail polish around age 6. In middle school, I loved wearing bright orange and school bus yellow and sky blue, which was a good 10-15 years before those colors became trendy.
7. I was a majorette in high school. So was my aunt. And a cousin. I twirled two batons, three batons, hoop batons and even fire batons.
8. I love watching tv on dvd (or streaming it on Netflix). I'd rather wait until there are several seasons of a show on dvd, and then watch them all at once.
9. Hand in hand with number 8, there are many many tv shows that I've enjoyed over the years and I've seen every episode of most of those shows. Usually, I started watching years after they air, either in syndication (back in the olden days) or on dvd. The only show that I've ever watched from pilot to series finale, AS IT AIRED, was Gilmore Girls.
10. Right now, I'm reading Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. I am also very slowly working my way through Laura Esquivel's Como Agua para Chocolate, reading one "month" (and a recipe) at a time in between other novels. Next up: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Memoria de mis Putas Tristes, Jen Lancaster's Such a Pretty Fat, and Beryl Markham's West with the Night.
I never know who to name for these, so anyone who wants to, please share 10 things about yourself! I'd love to read more about you. Thanks again to Susan and Sabrina!